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Exhibit: Board Representative for the youth department at South Jackson Community Church
Benchmark: Individuality
Skills: Leadership

    I am a member of the South Jackson Community Church located on the corner of South Jackson and Kimmel Rd. I have been going to this church for 10 years and have been involved in the youth group for as long as I have been there. During this past year I have been elected as the board representative for the youth department of the church. I help run and organize all of the events and activities for the teenagers' program. I also help teach sunday school for the children.

    Being responsible for the youth program was a task that I wasn't sure I was ready for but, I through with it and am now extremely greateful for the opportunity and the experience. Through working with the young children I have been challednged but have also gained valuable skills. I learned how to be assertive and gain respect from the children. I also learned how to make them relate the topic to themselves or others around them. I found that I was capable of fulfilling my role as a valuable leader to the kids. 

    In my future career and young adult life this will help me greatly. As a music therapist I will work with children everyday. I will have to know how to get through to htem in order to help them. Religion is something that is quite difficult to express to children and this opportunity has taught me how to explain things in a way that children will be eable to understand and also apply. My role as the board representative of the youth department has taught me how to handle a leadership position and manage responsibilities. For example planning youth group meetings outside of church once a month. I am grateful for the leadership skills I gained through this experience but also for my the simple things I learned about my faith by viewing and explaining it through the eyes of a child. 


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