Exhibit: Finding money for college
Benchmark: Personal Management
Skills: P104: Find new and creative ways to solve problems
College. This a scary word for both students and parents. College costs a lot of money and if you didn’t have very good grades throughout your high school career it can cost much more. The money for college is out there, and college can actually be quite affordable you just have to find the money and this means applying for scholarships, federal aids, and grants, and also simply keeping your grades up.
I have looked forward to college for many years and it has always been something I have wanted to do. But now looking at a very expensive small private college as my main choice the sticker price seems to be staring into my soul! But nevertheless I can relax a little bit because as daunting as the price of college may seem I am utilizing the options I have around me and I have prepared well for college throughout high school. I have good grades and I am thankful for that! My ACT score and accumulative G.P.A earned me a 18,000 dollar scholarship to Adrian College! There is almost half of my tuition paid for. Also, Adrian College has a day called scholarship day and just by showing up to that you get 2,000-4,000 dollars! BOOM! There’s 20,000-22,000 dollars of my 43,000 dollar annual tuition paid for! I have also began to utilize the opportunities around me I attended a college fair at Jackson College and got more information on scholarships! Now I have at least five scholarships that I can apply for! The counseling center in my high school also has information and scholarship applications for students as well! I will make sure to apply for as many scholarships as I can and I will also fill out my FAFSA in January. I know that as long as I look for and pursue to opportunities for help paying for college I will find a way to make it all work out.
This experience of having to find money for college and utilize the opportunities around me have helped me gain valuable skills for my future career and adult life. In my career as a Music Therapist I know that I will have to find different and creative ways to help each individual because each person is different. What works for one patient may not work for another! This experience also helped prepare me for my young adult life by teaching me to look for and utilize the opportunities and help around me. By looking for different scholarships and help with college I have learned how to apply myself in order to successfully find the help that I need. I am not afraid to ask for help and I know that if I work hard and always try to do things to the best of my abilities I will be successful. The skills I have learned thus far throughout my senior year have helped me to prepare for both my future career and adult life by utilizing and appreciating the opportunities and aid around me.