Academics: Business/Technology
Exhibit: Study Guide for Economics from the chapter on personal finance
Benchmark: Academics
Skills: Top piece of work from a Business/Technology course
For my exhibit for Business I chose a study guide from my economics class. Now, I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking economics is about the economy and how that is not specifically about business. But the exhibit I have to show you is from a chapter that specifically spoke about personal finance and all of the necessary parts that accompany this. It targeted the types of bonds you could have, the types of investments you can make, 401K plans, IRA’s, brokers, and stock holders and symbols.
I am extremely grateful for this course because it made me aware of so many different aspects of business and simply being an adult that I previously did not know. For example, I learned about bonds, mutual funds, compounding interest, investments, and even brokers. The knowledge I gained throughout this course will be something I can use everyday for the rest of my life.
This exhibit presented me with the knowledge and skill to try to be successful in both my young adult life and future career. As a music therapist I have the option of opening my own practice and so knowing about investments, credit, savings, and brokers will be something that I will definitely have to put into action someday! Also I learned that if when the time comes that I need to put this into action and I don’t remember all of it I will could hire a full-service broker to help give me investment advice and offer me many different services to help with my business. In my young adult life this information will help me take my first steps in living on my own. Hopefully this advice will keep me from falling flat on my face and will help me apply what I’ve learned. For example, I will know what types of bonds will be best suited for me or even how much I should try to save starting off. This class was very beneficial to me and will continue to be for many years.